The latest news on transport and tourism from JTTRI-AIRO.

Participation to the “17th Future Airport and Aviation Systems Study Group Internal Meeting” sponsored by the Waterfront Vitalization and Environment Research Foundation (WAVE).

AIRO Senior Research Fellow and Senior Director, Mr. Yukio YAMASHITA with his colleagues participated in the "17th Future Airport and Aviation Systems Study Group Internal Meeting" sponsored by the Waterfront Vitalization and Environment Research Foundation (WAVE). JTTRI and WAVE have had a good relationship since 2019 based on the MOU for cooperation.

◎ The 17th Future Airport and Aviation System 

〇 Date: March 28, 2022 (Monday) Japan time 14: 00-16: 00 (Bangkok time 12: 00-14: 00)
〇 Venue: WAVE Meeting Room (Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan) and online
〇 Theme: "Current status and future of the Aviation MRO business 
    -Introduction of domestic and overseas cases about Aviation MRO-"
〇 Language and materials: Japanese
〇 Participants: Future Airport and Port members
〇 Program 
・Opening remarks: Mr. Nobuhiko YAMAGATA, President of WAVE
・ Presentation 1: Title "Do you know about Aviation MRO in some Southeast Asia countries?"
Mr. Yukio YAMASHITA, Senior Researcher and Senior Director, 
ASEAN-India Regional Office (AIRO),
Japan Transport and Tourism Research Institute (JTTRI)
・ Presentation 2: Title "Challenge to the MRO Business"
Mr. Ryuji Takahashi, General Manager of Airframe Accounting Department, 
ANA Maintenance Center Aircraft Business Office, All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.
〇 Discussion (including Q & A)
〇 Closing remarks: Mr. Nobuhiko YAMAGATA, President of WAVE

You can find more information from “AIRO Activity” tab linked below.